AI Chatbots in the Legal Industry: Potential Risks and Benefits In 2024

Imagine a potential client visiting your law firm’s website with a pressing legal question. An AI chatbot could be their first point of contact, offering the advantage of 24/7 availability to answer basic legal questions, screen inquiries for urgency, and even schedule consultations. 

However, this seemingly helpful technology can backfire. A potential client contacts the online chat, expecting a quick and useful response. But instead of receiving accurate information, the AI chatbot mistakenly sends them down the wrong legal path, causing significant delays and potentially jeopardizing their case. 

While AI chatbots hold promise for the legal industry, the potential for such mishaps raises serious concerns. This article will examine the current limitations of AI chatbots and explore the legal risks associated with their use in the legal field. We’ll also discuss how law firms can navigate these challenges and ensure responsible technology implementation.

An Overview of AI Chatbots in Law

Nearly everyone is familiar with online chat support. Most law firm websites have a vendor they use to handle online chat leads. Real people manage most with scripts for different situations they follow. They can also connect someone with an attorney. 

AI chatbots differ because there is no human quality control over the chats. An AI chatbot can be given directions, but similar to a human, there is a chance it will not follow them. Even worse, it can decide what to respond with, resulting in made-up or inaccurate information.

Now, let me clarify some things. The terminology is easy to mix up because we can say chatbot and refer to a tool like ChatGPT, or we can say chatbot and refer to something like your live chat on your website. For this article, we are covering your website and using AI-powered chat. We will reference some articles on tools like ChatGPT, but the main focus is the website chat option.

In one example of AI misbehavior, it tells people to break the law, which you can read more about in the article on Reuters. Now imagine if your law firm used an AI chatbot and it gave out inaccurate legal advice that caused harm to a potential client or a current client. What would the potential repercussions be? Would the state bar take action against your firm? Could it cause damage to your brand or business? Is the risk worth it? We think not at this stage.

AI chatbots are just as capable of making things up or giving inaccurate information as various AI tools like ChatGPT, Llama, Claude, Gemini, etc. This is not a risk a law firm should take. There is a place for testing and primetime use, but we are not at that point yet. For more on the privacy and concerns of using AI chatbots in-house, you can check out this article.

Common and Uncommon Challenges in AI Chatbot Integration

Privacy is the first concern for an AI-powered chat on your website that communicates with potential clients. If the chatbot is not isolated from the company behind it, then the information being put into it could be used to train specific models. If you use the retail version of ChatGPT, it can use anything you input to train the model, which means if a person’s private information was entered, it could show up in the wild later.

This is where personal identifiable information (PII) becomes critical. You do not want users to input certain confidential information. Since there is attorney-client privilege, you need to make sure whatever AI chatbot you are playing with is not sending the client’s information outside your law firm.

Data Privacy and Security

AI chatbots that collect user data without proper isolation or user consent can lead to privacy breaches and misuse of PII. This could include sensitive data accidentally being exposed or used to train the chatbot, potentially leaking confidential information.

An example would be a law firm using a generic AI chatbot that might inadvertently collect client data that gets integrated into the training model, leading to potential breaches of attorney-client privilege.

To prevent this, a law firm should implement data security measures, clearly outline data collection practices in a privacy policy, and only collect the minimum information necessary for the chatbot’s function. Additionally, consider using legal-specific AI chatbots designed with privacy in mind.

Compliance Issues

AI chatbots may not be programmed to comply with relevant regulations, such as: 

  • GDPR (data protection)
  • HIPAA (healthcare data)
  • California’s Bot Disclosure Law (California Business and Professions Code § 17940)

Non-compliance can result in hefty fines and reputational damage.

An example is a law firm in California that uses an AI chatbot that doesn’t disclose its AI nature, violating the state’s transparency law.

You must ensure the AI chatbot adheres to all relevant legal and ethical guidelines to prevent violations. Conduct regular compliance audits and update the chatbot as regulations evolve.

Risks Of AI Inaccuracy and Misinformation

Due to limitations in their training data or programming, AI chatbots can provide inaccurate or misleading legal information, which can have severe consequences for clients who rely on it. We mentioned the NYC example earlier, where it told people to do something that was a crime.

To avoid this, you need a high-quality chatbot with accurate legal data and integrated fact-checking mechanisms to verify information before responding. Human oversight and review are also critical. If you want to be on the cutting edge of technology, test it in-house. Have your staff use it to ask clients’ questions and see what sort of responses you get. See if they can break it and get it to return inaccurate information or something that could cause your potential clients or business harm.

Cross-Jurisdictional Complexity

AI chatbots may not be able to handle legal nuances across different jurisdictions. The chatbot may provide incorrect information or advice if it isn’t programmed for specific regions.

For example, a law firm with clients in different states uses a generic AI chatbot that provides legal advice based on a single state’s laws, potentially misleading clients in other states with different legal frameworks.

Ensure the chatbot is tailored to specific legal jurisdictions and disclose geographical limitations in chatbot functionality. Consider offering language translation options for clients.

Emotional Distress Management

AI has no emotions, which is a sticking point. Imagine your clients who reach out via an AI chatbot with emotionally charged inquiries and do not get the ideal customer service experience, which can lead to further frustration and distress for the client. AI may just respond without acknowledging the emotional aspects of the conversation. That is not ideal customer service for a law firm that deals with clients who are often under emotional pressure and need a gentle touch in how they are communicated to. This could lead that person to go elsewhere.

Always have an option to connect with a human representative for complex and emotionally sensitive matters.

While AI chatbots hold great potential for streamlining legal services and improving client access, their limitations require a cautious approach in the legal industry. By prioritizing data security, ensuring compliance, and focusing on accurate legal information, law firms can explore responsible implementation of AI chatbots to enhance the client experience without compromising the quality of legal services. If you have questions or need help vetting an AI chatbot vendor, you can contact us at (800) 278-5677 or{

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from LAWsome by Consultwebs

Meta Verified for businesses

Benefits and Challenges for Law firms

Meta has been offering content creators the opportunity to get verified on both Facebook and Instagram for a while now.

That blue checkmark the influencers you follow have on their profiles?

That’s the mark they get once they are verified.

How do they get verified?

Here’s a very top-level rundown:

  1. They submit a government-issued ID.
  2. In select regions, they also submit a selfie video.
  3. If eligible, they subscribe to the offering for between $11.99 and $14.99 monthly.
  4. They get the following benefits:
    1. Exclusive stickers on Stories and Reels
    2. Protection from impersonation
    3. Direct account support

Meta will be slowly rolling out changes to their Meta Verified offerings to businesses. It’s currently in the testing phase in New Zealand and Australia, and its rollout in other countries is likely imminent, depending upon how the test phase goes. The new features aren’t just about getting a shiny badge next to your name; it’s about potentially unlocking a host of benefits that could change how your law firm is seen and found online.


For law firms, trust and professionalism are everything. Could this be the edge you needed to stand out in the crowded digital legal marketplace? Or is Meta seeking to make further social media a pay-to-play game? Let’s dig into what Meta Verified for Business could mean for legal professionals, weighing both the good and the not-so-good.

Executive Summary

  • Meta is testing a verification service for businesses, including law firms, with plans starting at $11.99/month.
  • Offers a verified badge, improved search visibility, impersonation protection, and direct support.
  • Benefits for Law firms: Enhances online credibility and visibility, adds useful profile features, and provides prioritized support.
  • Considerations for Law firms: Cost-benefit analysis of subscriptions, Ethical implications of paid verification, Dependency on Meta’s platforms amidst changing policies and support quality.
  • Law firms must weigh potential visibility gains against costs and ethical concerns before adopting the service.

Overview of Meta Verified for businesses and Law firms

Meta intends to offer four different subscription plans for its business verification service:

  1. Standard
  2. Plus
  3. Premium
  4. Max

Each plan was created to support businesses at various levels, from basic verification to extensive visibility and support enhancements. These plans include the trusted verification badge, enhanced profiles, priority support, and more (depending on the plan you select).

Here’s an overview of the tiers:

Meta Verified for businesses Standard:

  • Gives your firm a verified badge, which is a mark of authenticity on your Meta profiles.
  • Includes support via email and chat if you encounter any issues with your account.
  • Helps your business show up higher in search results by prioritizing your account in search algorithms, making it easier for prospects to find you.
  • Helps your business stay safe from others who might try to copy your profile or brand through proactive monitoring, rapid response times, and their brand safety feature.

Meta Verified for businesses Plus:

  • This tier includes everything in the Standard package, plus some additional features:
  • Your requests for help are moved to the front of the line, getting you quicker responses.
  • You can list up to three business locations and link to three other business profiles or pages, which helps clients find all your operations/localities more easily.
  • Your business profile gets special placement as a featured account, helping new potential clients find you.
  • You can add clickable links to two of your video posts per month, which can direct viewers straight to your website or landing page. (This represents a huge potential for an increase in caseload!)

Meta Verified for businesses Premium

  • This tier includes everything in the Standard and Plus packages, plus some additional features:
  • You can request to speak with support agents over the phone for more complex issues.
  • Feature up to five addresses and five other profiles or pages, broadening your firm’s online presence even further.
  • Provides verification features for up to two of your employees, protecting their professional profiles from impersonation.
  • Include links in up to four video posts per month, increasing the ways people can connect with your firm directly.
  • Personalize the look of your chats on Messenger and Instagram to match your firm’s style.

Meta Verified for businesses Max:

  • This tier includes everything in the Standard, Plus, and Premium packages, plus some additional features:
  • Get dedicated help for any ongoing issues, ensuring they are resolved quickly and efficiently.
  • You can list up to eight business addresses and link to eight other profiles or pages, maximizing your online footprint on Facebook and Instagram.
  • Extends the protective features to up to five employees, ensuring their profiles are also verified.
  • Provides even more opportunities to direct viewers to your site or services by allowing links in up to six reels per month.
  • Twice a year, you can meet with Meta experts to review and enhance your content strategy, helping you make the most of your online presence.

Benefits Breakdown for Law firms

When it comes to making your law firm easy to find, visibility and search optimization play a critical role. Each of the Meta Verified plans aims to boost your firm’s placement in search results, making you more noticeable in the competitive legal market. This improved searchability is key to attracting new clients who are looking for legal services online.

Now, about that verified badge– it’s more than just a nice mark on your profile. It communicates to potential clients that your firm is legitimate and trustworthy. In the legal industry, where trust is paramount, this badge can enhance your firm’s credibility.

  1. Profile enhancement is another key feature. Depending on which subscription plan you choose, your Meta profiles can be jazzed up with clickable links that include images, multiple addresses, and links to other profiles or pages. This not only makes your profile more engaging but also more informative, giving potential clients everything they need to know at a glance.
  2. Impersonation protection is included in all subscription plans, offering measures to safeguard your firm against those who might attempt to copy or mimic your social presence. For higher-tier plans, this protection extends to key employees, adding an additional layer of security and helping to maintain the integrity of your firm’s reputation.
  3. Having prioritized support in the upper tiers provides a valuable safety net for resolving technical issues promptly, which helps ensure smoother operations on Facebook and Instagram. In order to ensure social media success, however, it is important to keep up with ongoing engagement, strategic content creation, and proactive client communication as well.

Stay Tuned for Updates!

As Meta Verified for Business services are rolling out and not yet available in the US, it’s important to stay informed. We encourage you to keep up with the latest developments to understand how these services could benefit your firm in the future. If you’re looking to prepare your law firm for potential new tools and strategies, consider booking a free consultation call with our team. We specialize in crafting tailored strategies that align with your practice’s unique goals and challenges, helping you navigate the complexities of digital marketing.

Considerations and Challenges

When evaluating any tool for your firm, it is crucial to assess the cost vs. benefits. Considering your firm’s size and specific goals, are the subscription costs justified by the benefits? Will your firm realistically use the tool’s features regularly? How will it contribute to your firm’s overall success?

Ethical and professional implications are another key factor. Consider how clients might perceive the idea of paying for verification and whether it aligns with your firm’s ethical standards. Client perceptions are important; some might view paying for verification as compromising authenticity. Ensure your firm’s values and the perceived integrity of your services are maintained.
Considerations and Challenges for Law firms Meta Verified for businesses
Recently, there has been a noticeable shift in how Meta handles customer support. We previously benefited from dedicated ad account representatives and prompt support ticket responses at no extra cost. However, the past six months have seen a change in the speed and quality of support provided by Facebook. Now, the following may come across as conspiratorial, but these adjustments have coincided with the introduction of Meta’s new paid verification and support services… Coincidence much? We’re inclined to think it’s not at all; these changes seem to reflect a broader shift in the platform’s service strategy, and this is something we should all take into account when considering the adoption of this new tool when it’s available more widely.

Lastly, how willing is your firm to depend on the Facebook and Instagram platforms, especially with these shifts in mind? Relying heavily on any platform comes with risks, particularly if it changes its policies or if its user base declines. This dependency could potentially impact your firm’s online presence and client engagement.


Meta Verified for Business offers features that can elevate your firm’s online presence for sure, but it also brings cost and ethical considerations. What’s your take on the newest Meta offering? Could these services significantly enhance your practice’s visibility and credibility, or do the potential downsides outweigh the benefits? We’d love to hear your thoughts. Reach out to us for a deeper discussion on how to navigate these new tools effectively.

For a deeper discussion on how to effectively navigate the new tools the digital marketing world is unveiling, book a call to see if we can enhance your firm’s online presence together.

Schedule a Strategy call with our Marketing Advisor{

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The post Meta Verified for businesses appeared first on Consultwebs.

from LAWsome by Consultwebs

Painting a Moving Train: How Lawyers Will Stay Ahead of the Digital Curve

Lawyers’ Digital Strategy 2024

Today, keeping up and navigating the complexities of digital marketing is like painting a moving train.


Dealing with something that is constantly changing can render decisions daunting. Some law firms might even wonder whether they are making the right decisions in their marketing strategy.

While some firms may question their strategies in this whirlwind of change, clarity and confidence in marketing shouldn’t be out of reach.  

In this article, I will walk you through the essentials that every law firm needs to stay on top of the legal marketing game. Stay tuned to learn about:

  • Navigating the complexities and changes of digital marketing today
  • Understanding the common concerns and misconceptions about legal marketing 
  • Discovering the key to maximizing brand presence and caseload 
  • Learning what comprehensive marketing for law firms is all about
  • Differentiating a single channel strategy vs. diversified law firm marketing campaigns

Let’s dive in…

The Latest Data on Legal Digital Marketing 2024

Before we discuss the nitty-gritty of legal marketing, let’s examine the latest data that can directly affect law firms today.

legal marketing stats 2024

The Current Digital Landscape

I mentioned many law firms feel uncertain about their marketing strategies amidst the complexity of the digital realm and the pace of its changes — what’s causing these emotions?  

In my experience as the Director of Strategy at Consultwebs, the constant shift in where and how users engage online is one of the main reasons some firms feel lost. 

Take AI, for example. We had a client get a lead from ChatGPT. Someone typed their question in the AI chatbox asking for legal representation for their case, and our client’s firm name popped up in the results. The landscape of social media platforms is constantly evolving; search engine results fluctuate, and the presentation of paid advertisements varies across different platforms. It’s safe to say, the only sure thing is change these days.

Common Concerns or Misconceptions About Marketing

We have prospects and clients say things like: ‘Oh, SEO doesn’t work,’ or ‘Social media doesn’t work,’ and ‘Email marketing doesn’t work.’ That concept is that it just doesn’t work. The truth, though, is that it works very well when it’s done right. And when all of those marketing efforts are done right together, it does even more for a business.

The proof is in the pudding; check out this case study!

This is the data of a three-month comparative case study of 10 law firms from different practice areas that achieved a 32.32% overall increase in average leads after partnering with Consultwebs.

seo budget impact consultwebs

In just three short months, these law firms started seeing the outcomes they were looking for. 

The Firms in the case study are investing in:

digital marketing growth 2024

Uncover how SEO expansion pays off here!

This data proves that great results are possible when the marketing strategies are executed well and by the right people.

The Difference When SEO Experts Do the Job

According to research, the biggest challenge law firms face in their online marketing strategy is website optimization.

digital marketing stats 2024

This is why 56% of law firms hire a marketing agency to handle their digital marketing.

However, who should you choose to partner with?

The quality of work varies across different levels. 

Take someone who has done SEO for a year; the impact of those efforts is very different from someone who has been doing it for 10 years or 15 years. It all comes down to the quality and having experts who understand how to work with different areas the right way. 

We’ve been doing this for so long now that we have a good idea of what works and doesn’t. Sometimes, though, you will do something, and it doesn’t work. The silver lining here is that you’re going to learn from it. Once you make your mistakes, make sure you note down what you have learned, adjust your strategy, and then move on. Doing it the right way and not cutting corners is how you get results. It does work. We see it work every day.

The Ideal Place for Law Firms to Start With Their Digital Advertising Strategies

With all of this evolution in search and digital, along with AI and other technologies, there is no ideal place to start. It’s more of just starting digital marketing. No two firms are the same where they are at. 

One might have great SEO but lack good social and paid visibility. Another might have excellent visibility from paid advertising but show up nowhere in local map results. The variations of this and the needs are always different. Your marketing strategy is going to be vastly different from that of a competitor as a result – there is no space for cookie-cutter tactics in digital marketing anymore. Especially for law firms. 

The key is comprehensive. You want to be in all the different areas and have complete visibility. If you leave social out, paid out, or SEO, you are leaving money on the table by not reaching your target customers where they are regularly. You want to take up as much digital real estate as possible. 

Think about it: what does a typical customer journey look like for your audience? Maybe they see an ad of yours multiple times. Then, they click on it to see why it keeps popping up. Maybe they see your brand again on a Hulu ad. Then they check out your socials and find a post particularly funny, so they give you a like and a follow. And then BOOM, the need for legal representation arises, and they know exactly who to reach out to because you were everywhere before they even knew they might need you. Take any of these channels away, and the impact on this prospective client will be smaller, and you potentially lost an opportunity. 

The key takeaway here is clear: comprehensive is the way to maximize brand presence and caseload today.

What is Comprehensive Marketing 

As we have been discussing, it’s not just SEO, PPC, or social media that drives a user to you. It’s a combination of different channels. 

Here’s another scenario to consider: a potential client first encounters your video ad on YouTube. Later, they spot your firm in local or organic search results. Recognizing your brand from the video, they feel more compelled to click. 

Adding to this, imagine they engage with your email marketing by downloading a resource. You then send a series of informative emails containing valuable insights, ultimately directing them to an article on your website. This sequence of touchpoints might be what ultimately convinces them to reach out to your firm. It can be argued that the more varied these touchpoints are, the better your shots are of closing a new client from your digital marketing efforts. Internet consumers don’t just stick to one website or app all day long – they surf the web in different capacities in their day-to-day. The more closely you can track them down where they are in their “natural habitats,” the more top of mind your firm will be. 

In marketing, being seen and recognized by potential clients is fundamental. Visibility ensures that a brand, a product, or a service is top-of-mind for consumers when they are ready to make a purchase decision, and you get that through comprehensive marketing efforts.

Now, you might wonder: But what about firms that are seeing great results in one particular strategy? Why would they even consider investing in other places if one or two areas are seemingly driving the bulk of business?

Here’s my advice on that: Like in investing, you diversify, so don’t put all your eggs in one basket, but double down on what’s working. You may also want to look into attribution and the messy middle. If you’re curious, find out more here. 

Discover the SEO myths and stay ahead of the competition!

Navigate Digital Marketing With Clarity Toward Your Goal

We talked about being in many areas and to wrap up I think It’s not just about who pays the most in these channels. The quality of the advertising, the relevance of the message to the target audience, and the engagement strategies employed are also critical to the success of marketing efforts. And some of this comes from working with the Consultwebs team doing these things for law firms. It’s a partnership, and that’s where the strength comes from. 

It’s time you get answers and a clear understanding of your marketing goals.

At Consultwebs, we’ve been in the legal digital marketing field for 20+ years, dedicating 110% of our efforts to law firm marketing. From creative to technical aspects, our team of experts excel at every aspect of legal digital marketing. We operate within the most competitive niches in law firm marketing, including:

Start tapping into your law firm’s maximum potential today. Book a 1-1 consultation with one of our experts to learn how you can boost your digital marketing strategies and finally achieve (and exceed) your goals!{

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The post Painting a Moving Train: How Lawyers Will Stay Ahead of the Digital Curve appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Lawsome by Consultwebs

How law firms can build influence and attract clients with social media marketing

Have you ever logged on to social media only to feel overwhelmed and confused about where to begin? In the digital landscape, it can feel like a crowded room where you are competing with others to have your voice heard. So, how do you cut through the noise and make a meaningful impact?


  • With the rise of AI, fostering community trust by showcasing your unique voice remains crucial.
  • People utilize social media like search engines, and that trend will continue to grow.
  • More people want law firms to have an active online presence across social media platforms.

Over the past decade, we’ve watched social media grow from a “nice to have” element of overall digital marketing into a much more essential piece. 

What has contributed to that? 

A client’s website presence is only one piece of their overall online footprint. Now, more and more people utilize social media platforms like search engines. Not only that but your average website visitor also checks your social media links. It’s crucial to have a consistent presence across the board to ensure your potential client that you are still active and practicing.

Research confirms this. 1 in 4 people (22.5%) don’t hire an attorney without a recognizable online presence. 

recognizable online presence Social Media Success graph

Consultwebs is here to teach you how to establish a strong social media presence, create engaging content, leverage your community, and amplify your law firm’s unique voice. Establishing your presence begins with setting your goals for both – paid and organic objectives.

What is the difference between organic and paid social media? 

ORGANIC: Organic posts reach your existing followers and are generally for brand awareness and current follower engagement. These posts are the bulk of your content and often receive lower reach and engagement numbers since they are not paid promotions. 

Example of organic content:

organic content Social Media Success

So, what is the point of organic? 

Keeping up with organic posts helps existing followers establish a connection with your brand and lets potential clients get to know who you are. There are also some scenarios in which an organic post can be recommended to users who have similar interests to your page via AI suggestions on platforms.

PAID: This side of social is where we get into things like lead generation, boosted posts, video ads, etc. They generate more engagement, more video views, and more impressions. 

Example of an ad:

Paid Ad Social Media Success

‘What goals can my firm set for organic social media?’

Some organic social media goals your firm can set up include: 

  • Post frequency
  • Networking
  • High-Quality Content

Organic social media is a long-term game. The more consistent you are with it, the better results you will have. Optimal organic post frequency can also help build authority for your brand in the eyes of platforms. Our data suggests that a fully rounded organic and paid strategy heavily compliment each other. Setting posting frequency goals as well as a goal to respond to followers promptly is a great place to start. 

‘What goals can my firm set for paid social media?’

Some paid social media goals your firm can set up include: 

  • Number of Leads
  • Cost Per Quality Leads
  • Increased Followers
  • Increased Engagement 
  • Website Traffic
  • Video Views
  • Number of Impressions

It’s important to remember that each of these goals has a different key metric that signals success. So if your goal is website traffic, an engagement ad will not be the correct method of achieving it. If your goal includes more than one objective, you will need a well-rounded strategy to support it. Many of these objectives can work in tandem. 

Claim Your Marketing Metrics Checklist 

‘Which social media platforms should my law firm be on?’ 

This answer is very dependent on your personal preferences, goals, and intended audience. 

Facebook is a great platform for almost everyone to be on. The audience is vast and the posting type that performs well varies. 

Instagram tends to be a younger crowd and is a highly visual platform. The photos and videos need to be eye-catching and not just stock photos. Vertical videos are very popular along with informative carousels. It’s important for the content that goes here to be highly shareable for optimal results.

TikTok is a short-form video platform. The audience base on TikTok leans slightly younger, but there are people of all ages on there. This platform is great for firms that can create multiple vertical videos. They do not need to be fancy! Casual videos from phones perform extremely well. This platform often requires a heftier time commitment. 

See the Top TikTok Topics for Lawyers 

LinkedIn is a professional platform. It’s highly unlikely that an attorney will gain a client there, but it is a good place to showcase achievements and network with other legal professionals.

‘Are there any social media platforms my law firm should avoid?’ 

We do not typically see a huge return on Twitter/X efforts. The results from Twitter will not yield the same results that we see in spaces like Facebook unless it is a personal account that is extremely active (10+ posts per day and additional networking with other accounts.)

‘What type of content should be posted to these platforms for optimal results?’ 

There are many types of content that can be posted, and posting a healthy mixture of them works best. In most cases, your audience does not want to see the same type of post over and over again. Post a video one day, a static photo the next, throw in a carousel or live video here and there.

‘What is high-quality content for law firms?

The quality of your content is incredibly important. When you post, make sure you have something of value to add. Posting for the sake of posting only muddies up the waters of your social channels. Your important posts can get lost in all of that noise. Think about who you are, who your firm is, and let that guide your content strategy. Ultimately, you want to make authentic connections with real people. 

‘How do I create high-quality content?’

Have a HOOK. It’s easy to scroll past things on social media by default. The first line of your post, the largest text on your photo, the beginning sentence of your video – there needs to be something to grab attention. 

An example of a hook could be a variation of the following:

“This may be a hot take…but”

“You need to hear these 3 key pieces of information”

“Red flag to look for in…”

Historically, CALL TO ACTIONS (CTAs) have been the most important elements of a post, but arguably hooks outweigh that these days. 

CTAs are still important, but in order for them to work, you’ll need people to pause long enough to read your post. There are also several phrases that algorithms do not like. For example: “Click our link to read our blog.” Platforms do not want you stealing away their user base. They want them to spend time within their app. Instead of linking directly to your blog, try piecing out the information from it into engaging carousel posts, or turn it into a conversation with your followers instead of a presentation of information.

‘How can I foster authentic engagement and meaningful reactions?’ 

Prompt responses to comments and messages paired with high-quality content that gets them talking will set you on the path to become a memorable name to people. Engage in relevant conversations about pop culture, partner with other local small businesses to amplify your voice to their followers, showcase commonalities you have with followers (sports, pets, etc.), host events, and be the most authentic you that you can be. In a world where AI usage continues to grow, it’s more important than ever to build trust with your community by showing them there is a face behind the screen!

build trust Media Success quote

‘How can I measure my firm’s social media success?’

Measuring success will always be unique to your specific brand. Track your goals by setting realistic objectives and continuing to record results. We recommend checking in at least monthly for goal setting and tracking. 

Are you ready to amplify your social media presence? Learn more about our advanced digital advertising services on a 1-1 with one of the top law firm marketing leaders, Tanner Jones. 

Book Your 1-1{

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The post How law firms can build influence and attract clients with social media marketing appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Best time to post on YouTube

Let’s dissect the analytics behind video marketing publishing schedules and unearth the Best Time for Law Firms to Post on YouTube in 2024. 

To start, let’s look at the latest data.

These numbers show how powerful YouTube videos are. It is important to note, however, that a significant portion of YouTube activity takes place on web browsers, and even if you only look at app activity, YouTube still holds the largest share of total time among these top social apps (due to its large user base.) 

(And there’s a good chance your prospective clients are probably amongst the audience consuming content!) 

time spent using social media apps graph

Stay on top of the competition by understanding the optimal posting times to maximize your firm’s likelihood of reaching larger audiences.

Why the Best Time to Post on YouTube Matters for Law Firms in 2024

Understanding the best time to post on YouTube is no longer a mere suggestion; it’s a strategic necessity for law firms looking to get the most out of their video library.

Learning the perfect timing for your YouTube posts gives you the following benefits:

  • Improve views and conversions with well-timed content 
  • Increase the likelihood of your videos appearing in users’ feed
  • Stay ahead of the competition and capture attention before your competitors do 

Moreover, Consultwebs emphasizes that following the best timing for posting your YouTube content can lead to higher engagement rates and, thus, drive actions that ultimately lead to new clients. 

Remember, being at the right place at the right time is key. 

Reasons why knowing the best time to post on YouTube matters for law firms in 2024:

  • Establish Authority – How can your firm show its ongoing commitment to providing the best legal services? By being at the right place at the right time. 
  • Improve Your Visibility – Whether it’s encouraging viewers to schedule consultations or sign up for newsletters, strategic posting can drive actions that ultimately lead to new clients.
  • Gain Competition Advantage – Posting strategically in 2024 means you will position your firm front and center before competitors. 
  • Become the Thought Leader – You can set the tone and advocate by posting strategically and empowering clients by advocating on important issues, legal updates, case stories, etc.


Discovering the Best Time to Post YouTube Videos for Maximum Visibility

Whether your law firm has timely news your team wants to share or wants to drive traffic back to the site to convert more prospects into cases, you should know how to determine the best time to post videos. You may find that your audience engages with your video content in a different way than other law firms in your area. This is because it all depends on whom you want to reach with your video content and who you are attracting, making it essential to tailor your posting schedule to when your target audience is most active

To succeed in this process, we suggest that, once you have posted your first few videos onto the platform, you should access the data insights on the YouTube analytics tools to help pinpoint when your specific audience is online. It would be wise to make checking your video analytics a habit, as consistent observation and adaptation are critical to discerning the best time to post, given its inclination to fluctuate throughout the year. 

As creators ourselves, we have seen that the optimal times for law firms to post are typically in the late afternoons and early evenings on weekdays, when viewers are unwinding and more likely to engage with content. However, this may vary based on demographics and law firm niche. Understanding audience habits across different time zones is also imperative for channels with a global viewership. 

Our best tip for law firms looking to know the best time to post content is to embrace the process of trial and error.  We at Consultwebs would also be more than happy to help you optimize your posting schedule for maximum visibility. Remember, the best time to post on YouTube is when your viewers are naturally watching and hence, ready to engage.

To better understand this, here are the essential factors you should consider before posting your YouTube videos:

Using YouTube Analytics to Schedule Your Video Posting Times

If you want to take a deeper dive and have a more active role in your firm’s video marketing (and its results), the best thing to do is to consult with experts. For example, if you are working with an elite law firm marketing agency like Consultwebs, you can sit down with your digital marketing manager and go over the following analytics:


Strategy How to apply it
Analyze Peak Viewing Times To maximize visibility, check the “When your viewers are on YouTube” report to schedule posts slightly before peak times.
Understand Viewers’ Habits Use data from the “Audience” tab to tailor your posting schedule to the days and times your audience prefers.
Consider Time Zone Differences Adjust posting times based on where most of your audience resides, as determined by YouTube Analytics.
Examine Historical Data Identify trends in viewing times and engagement from past video performance to inform future posting schedules.
Evaluate Engagement Metrics Assess comments, likes, and shares to determine when your audience will most likely engage with your content.
Test Different Times Experiment with posting times to find when your videos receive the most attention and engagement.
Monitor Competitor Channels Observe competitors’ posting times for additional insights while maintaining a unique strategy.
Watch for Traffic Sources Use the “Traffic Source” report to optimize your schedule according to the times and days that drive the most traffic from different platforms.
Pay Attention to Duration Post longer videos at times when viewers are more likely to have time to watch, like evenings or weekends.
Use Consistency to Train Your Audience Remain consistent with a successful posting schedule to train your audience to expect new content at those times, increasing initial viewership.
Check Subscriber Behavior Review which videos gained or lost subscribers in the “Subscribers” report and correlate this to posting times to adjust your schedule.
Optimize for Special Events Time your video release to coincide with relevant events, legal holidays, or trending topics for maximized relevance and interest.
Utilize Scheduling Features Use YouTube’s scheduling feature to ensure videos go live at the best times determined by analytics.
Stay Agile Regularly review analytics data and adjust your posting schedule to align with viewer behavior.


The Best Time to Post on YouTube

Considerations Details
Peak YouTube Usage Hours Post between 2 PM and 4 PM on weekdays for increased visibility due to higher user activity.
Weekday Posting for B2B Post on Tuesday through Thursday for business clients, as these are peak days for seeking industry-related informational content.
Weekends for B2C Publish on weekends, specifically Saturdays between 9 AM and 11 AM, targeting consumers with leisure time for browsing.
Time Zone Considerations Adjust the posting schedule to the time zone of most of your audience, or consider overlapping peak hours across time zones for global reach.
Early Week Leads Posting on Monday or Tuesday can enhance content traction and weekly engagement.


The Worst Times to Post on YouTube – When to Avoid Uploading

Let’s take a look at the other side of the coin. 

Understanding the worst times to post on YouTube is as critical as knowing the optimal posting schedule. Of course, you will want to avoid uploading during periods when your audience is less likely to engage. No sense in making a grand appearance if there is no crowd to watch, right?

Uploading at the worst time can mean your firm could get lost in a sea of videos.  Remember, the goal isn’t just to post on YouTube. A critical piece in the equation is ensuring your content also reaches as many viewers as possible.

Research conducted in the recent past can serve as a general guide, but it’s important to remember that these worst times might fluctuate with changes in audience behavior. Moreover, combining expert insights, leveraging analytics, and reflecting on studies t on YouTube consumer behavior can inform a more strategic approach.

Worst Posting Times on YouTube

Timing Consideration Reasons
Early Morning (Before 6 AM) Low engagement as most viewers are inactive. Your content might risk being buried by newer videos during active hours.
Typical Commuting Times Morning and evening commutes see a surge in daily vlogs and news that can overshadow your content.
Late Night (After 11 PM) Engagement drops as users sign off, making it a poor time for reach.
Work Hours (9 AM to 11 AM) Viewer attention is divided due to work commitments, and can lead to lower engagement.
Work Hours (1 PM to 3 PM) Another period during work hours with divided attention and lower viewer activity.
Early Afternoon (12 PM to 2 PM) A lull in viewer activity during these hours makes it a less optimal time to post.
During Major Global Events Audiences may be more attentive to events like the Olympics or FIFA World Cup, leading to reduced attention to new content.
Early Mornings on Weekends With audiences likely sleeping in, early morning weekend posts may see poor engagement.
Late Night Weekdays Posting late in the evening on weekdays may not be effective, as the target audience is less likely to be active online.
Bank Holidays Potential viewers often engage in holiday celebrations, resulting in lower YouTube activity.
During the YouTube Maintenance Window Posting during scheduled maintenance periods may affect video visibility due to potential technical issues on the platform.
Right Before a YouTube Algorithm Update Posting just before an algorithm update without understanding its implications can negatively impact content visibility.
Immediately After Posting Another Video Releasing videos too close together can diminish the exposure and engagement of each, as they compete for audience attention.


Consider that diverse time zones affect optimal posting times; one region’s worst time could be another’s peak time. As a result, Consultwebs strongly suggests always utilizing YouTube analytics to determine your audience’s best posting times. If you are already partnered with us, lean on us for more insights! 

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts before posting on YouTube, let’s talk about the broader benefits of leveraging YouTube videos.

We previously mentioned videos can help position you as a thought leader. But there is more than meets the eye!

Posting Videos on YouTube Can Contribute to EEAT Google Guidelines

Your firm can benefit from posting YouTube videos and boost your EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness), which is one of Google’s top quality raters which is used to rank your firm’s website. In other words, posting informative videos on YouTube can significantly improve how Google views and ranks your website. It’s like giving your online presence a vote of confidence, showcasing your expertise and reliability in the legal field, ultimately leading to more potential clients to find you online. 

We all know that videos visually demonstrate knowledge and skills, helping establish credibility and authority in a particular subject. Although videos are not required for EEAT, they can still enhance your website’s EEAT signals. For law firms, this means having: 

  • Improved rankings, which translates to more business – Law firms that prioritize enhancing their EEAT scores are more likely to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs)
  • Enhanced credibility, which boosts caseload  – Credibility attracts potential clients and builds trust, leading to higher conversion rates and client retention. 
  • Mitigation of legal risks, which may mean higher rankings than your competition  – Any business providing inaccurate or misleading information online runs the risk of being penalized by Google and, thus, not ranking and losing potential clients. By ensuring your content is accurate and trustworthy, you reduce the likelihood of this. 

Even Consultwebs’ Video Editor, Sebastian Verde, reiterates this: “There are many questions [potential clients have] related to the legal industry. Aside from looking through your firm’s website, prospects might also go through your social media pages. If you have YouTube videos answering different kinds of questions, e.g., the service process, you’ve already got them engaged, and so there’s a higher chance they’ll call you for your services.”

YouTube videos sebastian quote

See a video sample of a law firm working with Consultwebs:

This 2024, Digital Will Still Dominate Advertisement Spend

In the past years, the significant result of effective digital advertising through various channels has been proven, and this data concludes it all. 

In 2023, clients worldwide spent almost $720 billion on digital ads, which is more than 10 percent from 2022. According to Statista, digital ad spending has more than doubled in the past five years, with the latest total roughly 117% higher than the previous year.

digital advertising spend graph

YouTube Can Significantly Impact Your Channel’s Performance and Engagement Levels

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, staying informed and analyzing your unique viewer data will help you fine-tune your strategy. 

That’s why consulting experts like Consultwebs can further refine your approach to ensure your YouTube content consistently hits the mark in 2024 and beyond!

Discover more insightful strategies and exclusive content to help your firm reach bigger audiences.

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The post Best time to post on YouTube appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Video Advertising Examples for Lawyers: Unlock Your Law Firm’s Growth

Have you already leveraged video advertising in your law firm’s marketing strategy?

If YES, then GREAT! Here, we will share more awesome ways to reach video advertising success.

But if NOT, no worries! In this blog post, you will discover how your firm can take advantage of lawyer video marketing campaigns to gain more potential clients.

Today, video advertising has become a potent tool for law firms aiming to:

  • Captivate the viewers
  • Explain complex legal topics
  • Boost engagement
  • Showcase expertise

Though video advertising has undeniable potential, legal professionals face unique challenges, including ethical compliance, saturated competition in the market, and high production costs. Nevertheless, these hurdles can be overcome with strategic insights and innovative approaches to achieve transformative growth through effective video advertising.

But before we dive in, let us first discuss what video advertising is and why it is essential in a law firm’s marketing strategy.

The Power of Video Advertising for Lawyers

Today, many law firms have already proven the power of compelling video advertising strategies. The following data demonstrates how a personal injury law firm partnered with Consultwebs has seen incredible results through video advertising efforts.

With the implementation of video marketing, the firm reduced its cost per lead (CPL) by more than half (52%) and increased its leads by a whopping 982% within a year!

leads More Quality Cases video marketing

Using video, firms can position themselves as thought leaders, boost client engagement, and increase visibility. This is why video-centric strategies have been one of the best ways to stay relevant and visible online. According to Statista, videos have an audience reach of 92% of Internet users worldwide. This means that the vast majority of your potential clients are easily reached by creating and posting videos. 

video marketing for lawyers channels chart

However, based on the American Bar Association’s 2023 Websites & Marketing TechReport, many law firms are still not using the video despite its many benefits. Among the respondents, only 30% said that their firm utilizes video in their marketing strategy. Slightly up from 24% in 2020, this represents a very modest increase.

So, where might the hesitation to leverage videos come from?

Common Challenges and Best Solutions

Video advertising has many advantages, and like any other marketing strategy, you need to be mindful of nuances. Some of them are:

  • Ethical compliance
  • Getting viewers’ attention
  • Optimizing search engine algorithms

Ethical Considerations

Since AI emerged, ethical compliance in the legal industry has become more strict. The balance between adhering to industry-specific guidelines and creating engaging promotional content is more critical, now more so than ever before. Law firms have traditionally been more conservative in their marketing approach because of these stringent ethical codes. Having to find the sweet spot between adhering to them and creating impactful, engagement-worthy content means they are navigating an even more complex landscape.

Crafting an Effective Video Advertising Strategy

Crafting a well-thought-out video advertising strategy that is optimized for turning viewers into clients requires meticulous planning and execution.

The steps include:

  • Identifying target demographics
  • Setting clear objectives
  • Selecting the appropriate platforms and formats tailored to the firm’s brand and the audience’s online behaviors

Here is where innovative solutions come into place. 

Consultwebs’ Video Editor, Sebastian Verde, reiterates this: “There are many questions [potential clients have] related to the legal industry. Aside from looking through your firm’s website, prospects might also go through your social media pages. If you have YouTube videos answering different kinds of questions, e.g., about the service process, you’ve already got them engaged, and thus, there’s a higher chance they’ll call you for your services.”

YouTube videos sebastian quote

Digital Marketing for the Lawyers of Today

Law firms should be (and remain) aware of new legal digital trends to stay ahead of their competitors. Embracing the digital era means recognizing the importance of a solid foundation in marketing concepts, which is crucial for thriving in today’s competitive landscape.  

It is beneficial, for example, to grasp the significance of SEO for lawyers. Optimizing content, such as blogs, social media posts, video titles, captions, etc., with relevant keywords can enhance your firm’s website’s visibility on search engine results pages (SERPs) like Google. 

Remember, while creating excellent content is important, its impact will inevitably be limited if it is not seen by your audience. . Visibility is crucial; you wouldn’t want your firm’s expertise to remain a hidden gem.  Therefore, ensuring your content is visible to your viewers should be a top priority.

More viewers = More potential clients

                           Get access to the latest legal trends in 2024 here!

Another marketing essential is studying the social media algorithm – This is a set of rules used by social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, etc., to prioritize the content users see in their feeds. The content will be filtered based on the users’ past behavior, content relevance, and the popularity of posts.

To effectively beat the algorithm, you will need an analytics tool like LawEval. Analytics tools will help your firm have an overview of what’s working and what isn’t, helping you to determine the best time to post on social media platforms, and making your video advertising strategy more effective.

Examples of Effective Video Advertising in the Legal Field

Now more than ever, we can see how video advertising has transformed how lawyers connect with potential clients. These examples showcase how effectively produced videos can establish trust, professionalism, and expertise for law firms.

Educational Content That Promotes Expertise and Thought Leadership

Dive into topics that address frequent questions from your audience within your practice area through educational content.

This type of video will make you the go-to expert for searchers seeking advice or guidance in your niche. By sharing valuable insights, your firm positions itself as a trusted authority in the legal field, fostering trust and credibility among viewers.

Example videos to make are:

  • Legal updates
  • How-to guides
  • Industry trends
  • Explainer videos 

Video example:

Interactive Q&A Sessions Through Podcasts or Live Streams 

Opt for interactive content that prioritizes providing value over direct selling to captivate potential clients more effectively. 

Podcast sessions and interviews promote meaningful discussions between the host and the guest/guests. You can tackle different topics, such as complex legal issues and recent case laws, to help build your firm’s reputation and potentially unlock new referral and partnership opportunities.

Video example:

Behind-the-Scenes Videos: Humanizing Lawyers

Behind-the-scenes videos show a glimpse into your law firm’s personal side that showcases the people behind the practice. 

You can create video content that engages viewers with your team members’ daily routines and camaraderie. This humanizing approach will make your firm relatable and help build rapport with potential clients.

Example video: 


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A post shared by Consultwebs (@consultwebs)

SEO Optimized Video Content to  Maximize Visibility

By incorporating relevant keywords, titles, and descriptions into your videos, you can significantly improve your visibility in search engine results. This strategy is key to strengthening your firm’s digital footprint and increasing your chances of generating more cases online. 

Another way to optimize your content is to use accessibility features such as close captions and audio descriptions.  Having transcript options in your video content will make it easier for individuals with disabilities to understand your posts. This inclusive approach fosters a good user experience and broadens your reach.

Video example:

Videos Addressing Misinformation

Informative videos that debunk common legal myths and explainer videos like how payment and fees work at your firm are very relevant for law firms – regardless of the practice area. This type of video demonstrates your firm’s commitment to transparency, truth, and integrity, which, in turn, can build trust and credibility with your audience.

Video example: 

Client Testimonial Videos

Client testimonials are still some of the best videos you can post on your platforms. YES, your loyal and satisfied clients are your top promoters!

But before posting a client testimonial, ensure your firm adheres to best practices and transparency protocols. By doing so, your firm can leverage the power of authentic narratives to bolster credibility and trustworthiness.

Example video:

Amplify Your Legal Marketing Strategy Through Video Advertising

Embrace the power of video to inform, inspire, and engage your viewers. 

Your firm can establish meaningful connections through videos in an increasingly digital world. With Consultwebs as your strategic partner, the possibilities for growth and success are within reach. 

Take the first step towards unlocking your firm’s full potential with video advertising today. Book a 1 -1 with one of our experts to discover how to achieve video advertising strategy and digital marketing success.{

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Higher Marketing ROI Through Digital Diversity

Why More Law Firms Are Diversifying their Marketing Investments to Boost ROI

Today, we often hear the concept of ‘diversifying,’ but what does that mean in marketing

Diversifying marketing strategies is the new power tool of many law firms. These firms are the ones currently dominating the digital landscape while their competitors are struggling behind them.

There are many reasons why law firms are boosting their marketing investments, including:

  • More internal pressure to generate revenue
  • Corporate counsel reducing the number of firms they work with
  • Pressure from other law firms that use marketing



However, despite the many winning firms experiencing success through a diversified marketing approach, some law firms are still skeptical.

Some might even wonder: if diversifying marketing investment is effective, then why are some firms still not leveraging it?🤔

Let us share with you the common questions, best insights, and proof of data law firms are all searching for…

Being Informed Is Your Law Firm’s Best Tool for Staying on Top of the Competition

So, to enlighten firms who are still weighing their thoughts about expanding their marketing efforts, we asked Austin Zsedely and Carolin Knight, digital marketing managers at Consultwebs, a top Marketing agency for law firms

What are the common misconceptions or hesitations law firms have when considering expanding their digital marketing investments?

Based on my experience and observations, these concerns can stem from a lack of familiarity with digital marketing strategies. Some even have negative experiences from previous investments or are apprehensive about losses in ROI. While other firms are just accustomed to traditional marketing methods, such as print advertising and sticking to referrals. These methods are still valuable, but neglecting the power of digital reach can cause firms to miss out on a vast potential client base.” 

Austin Zsedely, Digital Marketing Manager at Consultwebs


“One of the biggest hesitations I see with my clients is the worry that the investment won’t pay off. This is where tracking ROI becomes more important; matching actual cases back to leads generated from digital marketing efforts allows us to calculate the firm’s ROI from all investments they have with Consultwebs. Hard data affords us the ability to make educated decisions, rather than making decisions based on ‘hunches.’” 

Carolin Knight, Digital Marketing Manager at Consultwebs


The Hard Facts

Now, we’ve gone over why law firms innovate through different digital assets and why firms shouldn’t stay stuck in static strategy.

But is there proof that marketing works for law firms? 


Let’s look at the hard facts. 📈

To provide you with the best and most accurate result, We compared and contrasted 200+ law firms partnered with Consultwebs that: 

  1. Remain stagnant with their digital investments
  2. Actively diversify their digital investments

But before diving in, let’s clear out what digital investments and expanded marketing strategy means.

Law firms that: 

  1. Remain stagnant with their digital investments: The law firm invests in 1 type of digital marketing campaign, e.g., a legal web design. These firms continue to use the same type of investment in hopes of achieving greater results.
  1. Actively diversifying their digital investments: The law firm invests in more than 1 type of digital marketing campaign to achieve greater results. These firms are not ‘putting all the eggs in one basket’

The Results of Firms With Diversified Digital Campaigns Versus Firms That Remain in 1 Strategy

  1. The unique visitors for firms expanding their digital campaigns are higher

unique visitors data

While unique visitors may go unnoticed, this is a critical indicator of a law firm’s reach and growth. In this case, firms who expand with 1+ digital campaigns see over 2X the number of site visitors.  

  1. The cost per lead for firms with fewer digital campaigns is higher

As you can see, the firms that remain stagnant with their campaigns end up paying a higher cost per lead than those that chose to upgrade.

cost per lead data

  1. The firms with a greater number of digital campaigns have increased conversions

The firms leaping towards digital marketing campaign expansion eventually reach success. You can see that the firms with 1+ campaigns see their conversion rate increase by ≈32% over time.

conversion rate data

  1. The firms with a more significant number of digital campaigns have more leads

Here’s how conversion rates translate to lead acquisition.

lead data

By far, the firms expanding their investments take the most leads. Eventually, the firms diversifying their digital campaigns increase their number of leads by 192%, which is over 3X compared to those with the same strategies. 🔥

Now, let’s analyze the difference between upgrading to 1 digital campaign and upgrading to 2+ digital campaigns.

Let’s start with…

The Results of Firms Upgrading to 1 Digital Campaign

  1. The conversion rate for firms with 1 digital campaign increases.

By upgrading to PPC services or increasing reach through Local Services Ads, firms see over 100% increase in conversion rates.

conversion rate data all

  1. The cost per lead for firms with 1 digital campaign decreases.

All law firms investing in at least 1 campaign expansion eventually see their costs decrease by ≈50% – whether that be SEO for law firms, social media, or others.

cpl by channel

  1. The leads acquisition for firms with 1 digital campaign increases.

Businesses investing in marketing aim for a common goal – get more leads!

Leads indicate interest and an opportunity for law firms to turn them into cases. 

The average of over 200+ law firms expanding to an SEO service sees over 333% increase in lead acquisition. Moreover, these law firms that diversify to Agile Digital Advertising services with Consultwebs see a 355% boost in leads. ✅

See more here:

lead data all

This is exactly why law firms must adapt and expand their digital marketing investments beyond traditional methods! 

Honoring what worked before is plausible, but expanding into more avenues of success is necessary if your goal is to succeed.


“Firms that diversify their marketing investments are much more successful in bringing in quality cases, we see this time and time again. Furthermore, firms that diversify beyond just digital see even more success. In the current legal landscape, you need to make sure you are visible to your potential clients online and offline if you want to win.” Carolin Knight, Digital Marketing Manager at Consultwebs

The Results of Firms Investing in 2+ Digital Campaigns

  1. The conversion rate for firms with 2+ digital campaigns increases the most!

Law firms expanding to 2+ digital campaigns, e.g., mixing SEO with PPC, see an even more incredible combined boost in conversion rates. Using different campaigns in harmony secures your law firm’s short-term and long-term sales activation.

conversion rate data src

  1. The cost per lead for firms with 2+ digital campaigns decreases the most.

You can see that the firms that do not expand at all end up paying a higher cost per lead. While the firms that decide to put money into their future with 2+ campaigns eventually see over 9X savings (186% decrease in costs) over the ones that remained stagnant.

cpl data expanded

  1. The leads acquisition for firms with 2+ digital campaigns increases the most.

Lastly, firms investing in 1+ digital marketing expansion see an increase, which is good, but great results start for those investing their capital into 2+ marketing campaigns.

With a significant increase in case acquisitions of 1,724%, these trailblazers in law and marketing are taking home the most money! Which is 3X the number of cases compared to those with 1 expansion and over 18X compared to those not diversifying their investments.

leads data expanded

Don’t Rely Your Success on a Single Plan

Law firms investing their money in various strategies are seeing incredible results because of one common blueprint — they have plans from A to Z.

These winning firms have already discovered that although experience is the best teacher… learning from other firms’ achievements and mistakes is the smarter way to uncover strategies. 

Knowing what produces results and causes other businesses to fail can help you outline what move to do next.

See what legal professionals have to say about Consultwebs and succeeding:


“We saw a marked increase in the cases we were getting off the web. I like to get at least 6-times my return, so if I spend a dollar, I want to make six. But with Consultwebs, we were constantly doing between twelve and fifteen dollars for every dollar we spent. 

I think Consultwebs is just really good, honest people, and that’s what I like to deal with. If I have a concern, I can pick up the phone and call them, and they’re very attentive, and that’s what I want. If someone were thinking about hiring Consultwebs, I would tell them, ‘Do it now, do not put it off because you’re costing yourself money.’” – Ken Hardison, Hardison and Cochran


Now, it’s your turn. Are you interested in testing your law firm’s marketing performance? 

Unlock your FREE Blueprint, and you will: 

✅See where you shine and where you lag. We paint a full picture, showing you the path ahead.

✅Discover what strategy your firm needs based on distinct challenges and ambitions.

✅Identify their gaps and leapfrog ahead.

✅Transform dreams into deadlines

Unlock Your Blueprint Now

The post Higher Marketing ROI Through Digital Diversity appeared first on Consultwebs.

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Prompt engineering for Lawyers

Key Takeaways

  • Be Specific: Precision in your requests enhances the accuracy of AI responses.
  • Be Clear: Direct language helps the AI understand and respond more effectively.
  • Be Concise: Too much information can confuse the AI. Clarity is essential.
  • Fact-Check: Given training data can be outdated and AIs can make errors, verify everything against current legal databases.
  • Edit and Review: Use AI as a tool to create drafts and refine those drafts for accuracy.
  • Give Context: Background information and/or specific circumstances can improve the output.
  • Avoid Overly Broad or Vague Questions
  • Don’t Use Legal Jargon Without Explanation
  • Avoid Leading or Biased Questions
  • Don’t Ignore the Importance of Context

How to Effectively Communicate with AI

AI is moving at a breakneck pace. The improvements to various AI capabilities and their integration into business practices are becoming easier by the week. This year will be key for law firms to learn and integrate AI into their practices. This will be a year of wider adoption as these tools become more stable in their use.

Communication is one key consideration for working with AI. Most AI systems require some input to guide the AI in helping you accomplish what you are trying to achieve. This has been termed prompt engineering. A prompt is an input message guiding an AI to help you achieve your target goal.

These can be very simple prompts like “Can you provide an outline of Illinois HB 2389?” to much more complex prompts like a chain of thought where you run a series of intermediate reasoning steps to get better results on more complex tasks that require reasoning before responding.

An example of a chain of thought is here:




Image Source: Wei et al. (2022)

Understanding Prompt engineering for Lawyers

Prompt engineering for Lawyers is a newer discipline, having really emerged upon the release of ChatGPT in late November 2022. Before we dive into the dos and don’ts, let’s clarify some terminology and just what we are dealing with when we reference AI today.

AI Today

We are not dealing with AI as we see in the movies such as Terminator, iRobot, and The Creator. Today, we are getting easy access to a piece of that puzzle. The AI in the movies is actually made up of many systems, such as:

  • Deep Learning
  • Generative AI
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Computer Vision
  • Robotics
  • And more…

What we are seeing all the buzz around today is Generative AI. This is a subset of Deep Learning wherein a system can produce unique and realistic content from what it’s learned in a very large dataset. The most common of these today are Large Language Models (LLMs), which focus on language-based tasks. Their goal is to mimic human intelligence in tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and translation. LLMs reuse their training data to solve the problems you give them.

Large Language Models (LLMs)

You can think of LLMs as a huge library that stretches as far as the eye can see, filled with every book, article, and letter ever written. It’s unique because it can read and understand everything stored inside its vast collection. This allows you to ask it a question, and the virtual librarian runs through the library’s endless aisles to gather all the information needed to provide you with a response. Like any human, though, it is possible on occasion that the librarian misunderstands you and returns mixed-up information – but they are always learning and aiming to provide better answers every time you ask.

Machine Learning

You can think of machine learning like a child in the library. This child has a never-ending desire to understand patterns and stories from the books and other materials in the library. Each time they are shown a picture or told a story, they try to figure out the underlying pattern or lesson to it. They will get things wrong, but through every mistake and correction, they get a little better at predicting and understanding the next thing you show them.

Neural Network

This can be thought of as a group of children working together. Each child specializes in a different genre or subject in the library. When asked complex questions, they work together, passing notes among themselves and combining their specialized knowledge to come up with a comprehensive answer. Like a single child, the group can make mistakes but learn from these, too, which allows them to refine their cooperation and improve their collective understanding over time. This is how, piece by piece, question by question, they become better at helping you find exactly what you are looking for.

Now, when you communicate with the librarian, you need to be very specific about what you are looking for, almost like you’re talking to a child who is going to learn as they work with you. If you ask to be told a story, you could get anything from them, but if you ask to be told a “funny story about a dog that loves pant legs,” you are giving it specific details to work with, and you’ll get a much more specific and interesting story.

The Dos of Prompt Engineering for Lawyers

Be Specific About What You Ask

Specify the type of information or insights you are looking for. This can influence the accuracy and relevance of the response. Going back to the story example, instead of asking, “Tell me a story,” ask, “Tell me a funny story about a dog that loves pant legs.”


Example Prompt: “Identify key differences in copyright infringement laws between the United States and the European Union post-2018.”

Be Clear About What You Ask

Avoid ambiguous language, and be direct in your request. Clarity helps the AI understand the query better and reduces the chances of getting irrelevant information.


Example Prompt: “Explain the standard procedure for filing a patent application in Japan, including necessary documents and timelines.”

Be Concise

While it is good to be detailed, using too many words can confuse the AI. Try to be clear and specific without adding extra information that is unnecessary. This helps keep your question on point.


Example Prompt: “List the steps for initiating a small claims case in Texas, including any required forms.”

Fact-Check the Output

Always, let me repeat that ALWAYS verify AI-generated information with current legal databases and resources. LLMs are not up to date. They are trained on data up to a certain point and, therefore, can produce outdated or incorrect information. Even worse, in some cases, it will just make something up.

Example Outcome of Not Fact-Checking: A lawyer in New York used ChatGPT to pull case law and did not fact-check it against the legal databases available. The judge was not familiar with the cited case law, so he went to check the cases but could not find them anywhere. The judge confronted the lawyer, and the lawyer said he used ChatGPT but did not check the case law it returned. It turns out ChatGPTjust made up a bunch of case law.

Edit and Review the Output

Use the initial response as a draft product. Edit and refine it to your liking and understanding. This way, you can tailor it more closely to your needs and catch and correct any inaccuracies.

Practical Tip: After generating your draft document, review and adjust the language to ensure it meets legal standards and is appropriate for your intended audience.

Give Context

Providing background information or the specific circumstances surrounding your request can significantly improve the relevance and precision of the response. There is a fine line here, though, when keeping to the other tip of being concise. There is nothing wrong with testing longer requests. In some cases, the added detail is necessary.


Example Prompt: “Considering the recent amendments to the commercial leasing laws in New York, how might these changes impact tenant obligations?”

Note: It is often better in situations like this to provide the recent amendments or information in a .docx format and attach it to your request. A revised prompt when doing that would be “Considering the recent amendments in the attached document for the commercial leasing laws in New York, how might these changes impact tenant obligations?”

Note: You can take an added step in this and first upload the document and ask the AI to “Please review the attached document and summarize what is in it so I know you understand it all.” Then, go back and use the previous prompt. This way, you make sure it reads and analyzes the full document.

The Don’ts of Prompt Engineering for Lawyers

Avoid Overly Broad or Vague Questions

Providing prompts that are overly broad or vague can lead to answers that don’t help. In law, it’s very important to be specific because even small details can change how laws are understood or applied. An example of the impact is a broad question that can lead to an overwhelming amount of output information, most of which will not apply to your issue or question.



Example of a Poor Prompt: “Tell me about property law.”

This is broad and does not specify the jurisdiction, type of property law (commercial, residential), or the issue you’re trying to resolve.

Example of a Good Prompt: “Explain the process of transferring residential property titles in Florida, focusing on any mandatory disclosure requirements.”

Don’t Use Legal Jargon Without Explanation

Using dense legal jargon or overly technical terms without context can confuse AI models, especially if it has multiple meanings or is used differently in different jurisdictions.

The impact can lead the AI models to misinterpret various terminology. This then leads to incorrect or irrelevant information.


Example of a Poor Prompt: “Discuss the application of the doctrine of laches in recovery actions.”

Without specifying jurisdiction or context, the AI may provide incorrect information.

Example of a Good Prompt: “Explain how the doctrine of laches is applied in California copyright infringement cases.”

Avoid Leading or Biased Questions

The LLMs are not biased, but the information they are trained on can be, so bias can come out in responses to your requests. To help prevent additional bias, make sure to avoid questions that imply a certain answer or are skewed to a certain response. If this is not done, it can lead to a confirmation of the bias rather than an objective analysis.

This can result in a lack of comprehensive insight or overlook critical aspects of a case, reducing the effectiveness of your legal research or argument preparation.

Avoid leading or biased questions in your prompts

Example of a Poor Prompt: “Why is the opposing party’s argument in this case unfounded?”

This assumes that the argument has no foundation, which may not be an objective starting point for analysis.

Example of a Good Prompt: “What are the strengths and weaknesses of the opposing party’s argument in this case?”

Don’t Ignore the Importance of Context

If you do not provide enough context or background information, it can lead the AI to make assumptions or ignore critical factors relevant to the request.

This can have a drastic impact on the accuracy and usefulness of the response.


Example of a Poor Prompt: “How to draft a will”

Example of a Good Prompt: “What are the legal requirements for drafting a valid will in New York, considering a scenario involving overseas assets?”

Limitations and Ethical Considerations

These tools have limitations, and they start with the LLMs and the data they are trained on.

  • AI was trained on 13 trillion tokens. The term “token” refers to a chunk of text that the model reads or generates. A token is typically not a word. It could be a smaller unit, like a character or a part of a word, or a larger one, like a whole phrase.
  • AI does not understand legal principles or ethics in the human sense but processes patterns in data. It does not have the understanding and judgment that come naturally to experienced legal professionals.Think of it as a smart word sorter. It can put words together in ways it has learned, but it doesn’t really understand laws or right and wrong like a lawyer does.
  • The use of outdated information, misinterpretation of complex legal questions, or overlooking nuances in a case are all possible and why human oversight is still required. You should use AI to augment your practice, not to replace an expert’s judgment and expertise. Always double-check the AI’s work as you would a junior lawyer’s draft.

Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

PII is another thing to watch out for. From a privacy standpoint, you should not be putting anything into a retail tool like ChatGPT that can identify someone, and if your settings are not correct, it can use that information in its training.

Public data is an exception here since it’s already available online, so business phone numbers and employee names are not as much of a concern, but Social Security numbers and individual cellphone numbers are.

Also, be careful about how you match this information up. While a name might be public, the unique case situation may not be, so putting them together could potentially put information out there that should remain private. You can always look at anonymizing the information.

You can adjust this in the settings by turning off Chat History & Training in the Data Controls section. This will then make it so any chat sessions are not saved on your browser or used for training on OpenAI’s side in the case of ChatGPT. You should know they still store all data for 30 days for safety reasons.


We highly recommend you embrace this technology and begin using it, even if just to get experience with the tools and a better understanding of how to use them. Prompt engineering is a way to leverage AI technology effectively and ethically, so get some hands-on experience. This technology is not going anywhere and will be a part of businesses regardless of industry. We are already seeing heavy use of it in many fields. Now is the time for adoption.

If you want to stay ahead of the curve – sign up for more exclusive law firm industry updates here.

The post Prompt engineering for Lawyers appeared first on Consultwebs.

from Consultwebs

Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: Everything You Need to Know 

More and more law firms are placing themselves at the forefront of the digital advertising competition to achieve their online goal — to be on the first page of search results!

These winning firms have one common strategy, and their success is far from coincidental; it is forecasted! 

They all diversify their digital advertising efforts to an Agile approach tailored for law firms and experience adaptive and dynamic techniques that helped them unlock:

✅ Stronger online presence

✅ Visibility 

✅ New heights of digital success

These law firms experience:

✅ Teamwork and collaboration

✅ Data-driven decision making

✅ Quick and iterative releases 

Be one of these money-making law firms dominating the digital advertising space today.


Secure Your Spot


Please note:  Our law firm marketing agency maintains an exclusive partnership model, accepting only a select number of law firms per state and practice area to ensure our undivided focus on optimizing your firm’s market position. Spots are booked quickly; book yours before it fills up.


Effective Agile Digital Advertising Efforts Produce Results

As proof, this is the data of a law firm partnered with Consultwebs. ( For privacy purposes, we will keep the law firm’s name anonymous and address it as ‘the firm’.) 

The firm focuses on Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD) and Personal Injury (PI) cases. The firm leveraged using LSAs in its digital marketing strategy, and look how it paid off.

  • For Personal Injury cases, the firm’s ave. spend was $928.65 and got $5,727.25 earnings from the generated cases, making a 516.73% ROI.

  • Meanwhile, in SSD, the firm’s ave. spend was $2,128.34, and got $11,772.73 in earnings from the generated cases, making a 453.14% ROI

  • In combination with PI and SSD, the firm’s ave. spend was $3,056.99, and received $17,500 in earnings from the generated cases, making a 472.46% ROI.

So you might be wondering, how did Consultwebs practice Agile digital advertising? Take it from Matt Smyers, our Senior Digital Advertising Advisor.

With Agile, firms will see their monthly budget being allocated to campaigns that are designed to increase their online presence and visibility. We're big believers in having our clients invest in those areas long-term because what we have seen over the years is that when they do so, they ultimately see a much better ROI from what we consider to be their short-term sales activation strategy.

That is why one of the strategies that Consultwebs strongly leverages is Local Service Ads or LSA. 

Local Service Ads for Law Firms

LSA is an advertising program where law firms are verified on Google and pre-vetted as the strongest match in the search results. 


The profile of your firm or the lawyer representing your firm would appear at the very top of Google’s search results. This is what it looks like:

Local ads are Google screened. It provides the user with the most significant information, such as reviews and years in business.


About LSAs:

  • It will lead searchers directly to a “click-to-call” functionality. 
  • LSA ads appear above PPC and all other search ads on Google within the search results
  • Unlike PPC, LSA operates on a pay-per-lead basis.
  • Local service ads (should not be mistaken for local search ads.)
  • It can also be managed through Google Ads (only their billing and payment system)
  • It can be operational on a PPC (pay-per-click) basis.

Its goal is to help your firm appear to prospective clients searching in your area for your services. Moreover, LSAs help your firm score quality leads that ultimately become paying clients.  


And when you secure your leads, it also means securing your sales pipeline.


Leads are found in the middle of your sales funnel:

LSAs serve as the  “middleman” between your law firm and clients; this is why Google refers to LSA as the “messy middle.”

Learn more about the messy middle here:



Now that you have a better understanding of what Local Service Ads are let us briefly talk about the power of PPC. It is a service that some mixed up with LSA, but it also has a significant impact on every firm’s digital advertising strategy if done right.


Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Works Best With LSA + SEO

Talking about the Agile approach and investing in what works based on the data. Using PPC with the combination of LSA and SEO efforts is a giant strategy to beat.

How? Let us elaborate…

PPC for law firms allows firms to bid on specific keywords related to their services. Using effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for your firm’s PPC Ads, ranking on the first page of search results is not impossible.

With LSAs, again, local service ads can be operational on a PPC (pay-per-click) basis, so combining these two strategies can strengthen your ad campaign more. 


Here are a few areas your PPC team will work through:

✅ Reaching your target audience

✅ Focusing on the right keywords

✅ Clear messaging within the advertising

✅ Managing the bids and budget

✅ Retargeting campaigns

✅ Boosting a social media ads campaign


The Right Law Firm Marketing Agency That Breathes and Lives Through Agile Digital Advertising Is What You Need


Whether it is in life or in business, it is not about what you want, but what you NEED. Finding the RIGHT partner in business can directly impact the success of your law firm’s GOALS

Consultwebs values the essence of collaboration and teamwork. Let us talk about how we can tailor your firm’s goals to the needs of your prospective clients through effective digital marketing strategies. 

Book Your 1-1 With Our Digital Advertising Expert Here

The post Attorneys Investing in Digital Advertising: Everything You Need to Know  appeared first on Consultwebs.

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2024 Social Media Trends: Insights by a Leading Legal Marketing Expert




Adopt innovative strategies by getting the top insights from a law firm social media expert on: 

  • Why law firms are increasingly investing in social media 
  • The proven strategies that work best 

When does social media go from being a nice-to-have to a must-have?

In 2024, social media for law firms is no longer an optional channel. Social media is a must-have for strategic visibility, and the numbers back this up. 

There are several benefits behind social media for law firms, including: 

✅Enhancing visibility 

✅Building relationships 

✅Boosting your firm as the thought leader 

✅Reaching larger audiences at a cost-effective price (unlike traditional marketing)

✅ Enabling a better crisis and reputation management strategy

✅Staying visible and being top of mind for prospective clients 

However, the consequences of not being on social media are more immense.

According to research, the main deterrents to hiring an attorney, according to legal consumers in the United States and Canada, include: 

❌No online presence (website, directory, and socials) 

❌No proof of successful cases/ wins 

❌No connection between you and the attorney and more. 

The good news is that you can get past these barriers and know where it’s worthwhile to put your energy with the top social trends of 2024. 

In the LAWsome episode, ‘Revolutionizing Law Firms With Social Media Trends,’ Paige York, social media coordinator at Consultwebs, one of the leading law firm marketing agencies, unveiled a treasure trove of gems. 

  1. All Eyes On Video

Videos are only getting more popular. According to Paige, platforms like TikTok will begin prioritizing long-form videos. 

Unsurprisingly, more law firms will invest in videos to easily share and recycle content across social media and strengthen their image. 

But law firms aren’t cutting, editing, and adding special effects, etc., alone. More law firms are opting for Consulwebs to have videos like: 

💡Corporate videos 

💡Promo videos


See one of our video samples here: 

  1. LinkedIn: New Avenues of Networking and Connecting

In 2024, there will be a huge turning point for legal professionals, as LinkedIn is expected to be one of the most crucial channels for law firms. 

This is a win-win platform for law firms because:

  1. Professional profiles are becoming as important as website bios, especially those researching potential law firms to hire. 
  2. Legal professionals working across different industries and practice areas are joining LinkedIn’s collaborative culture.

Connect With Us On LinkedIn 



  1. Celebrating ‘Inchstones’

As Paige York recommends law firms, ‘People want to see the little wins. Don’t just wait to showcase your best attorney in the area once per year.’  

We will see more people celebrating ‘inchstones’ instead of milestones. People want to see the little wins. Don’t just wait to showcase your best attorney in the area once per year, which is something I notice frequently. But things like settling a case for a person and them being incredibly grateful, snapping a photo with them, and celebrating together are key. People want to see those types of wins on social media.”  

– Paige York, Social Media Coordinator at Consultwebs 

Celebrating the small (big) wins doesn’t just translate to more engagement; it also builds a deeper connection. Across all industries, clients like a friendly face, and social media platforms like Instagram will help you stand out.

These trends are just the tip of the iceberg. There are over 25+ forecasts set to shift the law firm industry this year, and we’ve compiled all the research. 


Download Your Copy of this Year’s Trends and Predictions Here 

The post 2024 Social Media Trends: Insights by a Leading Legal Marketing Expert appeared first on Consultwebs.

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